National Registry of Cooperative Extension Programs and Assets (NRCEPA)

About the National Registry

This tool enables Cooperative Extension professionals to register their projects, programs, or curriculum for nationwide collaboration among Cooperative Extension colleagues.

  • The intent of this tool is to assist Extension professionals to quickly find other like-programming efforts across the system to reduce duplication of work, and help speed up access to digital assets that would be useful to the development of new programs.
  • At the request of Extension leaders, the NRCEPA provides ready-access to a living database of efforts across the system in order to rapidly respond to system-wide funding opportunities.

Latest Submissions to the NRCEPA

Become a Partner

Current Partners

The Extension Foundation partners with national Cooperative Extension organizations to focus information captured about Extension projects, programs, and curriculums in the National Registry. New question pathways are created in partnership with these organizations to help obtain the most relevant information.

We invite Cooperative Extension organizations to partner with us and lead the identification of questions most relevant to their program areas. Please reach out to us at

National Urban Extension Leaders
National Extension Climate Initiative